Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Synesthete's Synesthesia

Experiencing Beethovens' Moonlight Sonata ; the sensation of warm water crawls up my skin and i begin to float, above me a full moon, slightly tinted gold...One of my favorite musical masterpieces...
Now say, we listen to Mozart Abertura; A dozen  frenzied race horses begin to run around me; as a sharp blade slices skin  repeatedly faster and faster! I really hate most of Mozarts shit, it is literally painful and an awful experience for my senses, it hurts. 
Yesterday I learned how to play dominoes, the game was pleasant and simple enough.. But I purchased the color coded number dominoes instead of the standard black and white . Looking at the 6 dots on the domino as Orange instead of the color I normally see which is black was a bit overwhelming for my senses... Same with all the other Numbers and Color coordination on the dominoes, none of them matched what I normally see..  
In certain ways I see this as an advantage but it can be overstimulating and unpleasant at times. 

Introduction To Alchemy

I possess a lovely yet strange gift.
A gift I shall share with the initiates, the open, the seeking and those in misery.
You of proper consciousness may enter into this domain of secret understanding.
These writings shall be a magnet to those who seek equilibrium.

Thoughts & Intentions shape our individual and collective realities. So many people hear and repeat that change comes about only with action. Have you seen those whose actions are performed with dull, bitter, sad or angry minds?[low vibration emotions] They do not come to fruition or progress positively. Still people wonder "Why arent things going my way? Im DOING everything right."
Most of us are missing the solution to this problem. 
Your thoughts and intentions are more powerful than you have been conditioned or allowed to know. 
You may alter your own individual reality simply with your thoughts and intentions. Believe and know that each one of us who has a brain is completely capable of this innate ability. Over time our powers have been crippled by low vibrations. Now is the time we awaken and bring in the Golden Age. Most of us have the mentality of "what can I do?" "Just me? Just 1 person cant change anything."
Each individual having such thoughts has wounded our collective consciousness into a view of ourselves miserable,powerless and mostly meaningless.
We must use cognitive alchemy and transmute low emotions, low thoughts and low mind set into higher emotions, higher thoughts and a higher state of being.
If you have read this, you are on your way to becoming the Alchemist.